Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A nice amount of random

I'm at school, yo. Or the school's library. Just finished writing my American Topics midterm paper. And I'm eating Twix bought from one of the school's many vending machines. Don't tell anyone though, we're not allowed to eat or drink in the library.

It was really weird not going home with my family. I always do that when we're in another country together. But I live here now. I live in New York. Until May 31st. I tried changing my return ticket to June 13th, but I'm missing my e-ticket number, so we'll see how that goes. I sent an e-mail to Kilroy Travels, but I don't know if they can do anything.

I can see the Empire State Building from here, all the lights are white today. No special occasion. I can also see a river, Hudson River?, and New Jersey. I'm hungry. Maybe I should go eat something and go home. My battery is running low soon too.


It says that on a commercial banner/poster/whatever outside.

This was a nice amount of random. Go check out my flickr pics.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

I'm alive!

Empire State Building
Originally uploaded by rompetaske

Long time, no see, eh? I'll make this short. This is the last day of my Easter vacation, mom and my brothers are leaving tonight. We haven't really done a lot of turist-y stuff, like museums and guided bus rides, but my brothers and I went to Top of the Rock, which is the top of the GE Building at 30 Rockefeller Plaza, where this was our view. That's the Empire State Building in the middle.

Other than that we've been shopping and looking around. Five days isn't very much in a city like this. I'm glad I still have a couple of months left.

I uploaded a lot of photos to my flickr account today, and I had to buy a pro account because I have over 200 pictures uploaded. Go check 'em out, yo.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Waiting for the cable guy

Hollaaaa! Haven't updated in a while because not much has happened. I have been way too busy doing school work or thinking about school work or feeling guilty for not doing school work. I have turned in two papers since last time, one in philosophy and one in human rights. It's nice to be done. We'll get our American Topics paper assignment on Thursday, which we will have two weeks to write. Easter vacation in between.

Mom and my brother arrives in a week, I'm looking forward to seeing them. One and a half month is the longest I have been away from mommy ever. It's been really nice, but it'll be nice to seem her again too.

I'm at home waiting for the cable guy or girl now. I am almost finished with my Dunkin' Donuts coffee, it's getting cold. Starbucks is ten blocks away which is too far when I'm not planning on sitting there. Dunkin' Donuts is just two blocks away.

I was at the Barnes&Noble at Union Square yesterday, and apparently Jon friggin' Stewart was there on Saturday. Oh mannnnn.
I was supposed to find a photo album for my polaroid pictures, and I did. But I also bought some gifts and three books for myself. I Am America (And So Can You!) by Stephen Colbert, which I've started reading some in and it's awwwwesome. And America (The Book) by Jon Stewart, which I've also started reading some in and it's not as awesome, but still cool. And a street art book from NYC and Barcelona, I've always wanted one of those books, but they're so expensive in Norway.

Besides doing laundry, I might go into Central Park and take some pictures to put in my album. I have to buy more polaroid film, they're going out of production, which is ssssooo lame. Æ må hamstre!

Have a nice day/afternoon/evening!