Tuesday, December 21, 2010

La mæ ta ræ med til Osloooo!

Jeg er hjemme, da. Og snart ferdig med siste eksamen. Takk for meg.

Friday, October 29, 2010


Faens lekser. Faens melkesjokoladereklame på Facebook. Faens faen.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Hello world. Hello. This is your captain speaking. I just realized that doorway and Norway rhymes. And I'm not inspired to go any further.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Isn't It Ironic? pt. 2

So between writing my last post and my journalism class, I randomly met one of the girls from said class and we talked a little and she encouraged me to just write something for the class. So I did parts of the homework and felt a little better going into class. After class, the same girl and another girl from this class were taking the train home together and it's the same train I take so I asked if I could join. "Yes, ma'am," was the response I got. And then they asked if I was okay, the girl from before class had noticed that I wasn't in the best of moods.

We took the train together and at home my American roommate was actually there and not busy with guests so we hung out for a little bit in the kitchen while making and eating food. I guess I was just very deprived of social interaction. I feel better now, but I still miss you guys! (Hello, English. It just happened.)


Isn't It Ironic?

Så ironisk. En dame ved siden av meg på undergrunnsbanen sitter og leser om kristendommen og spiser eple.

Så mye for å skrive hver dag. Jeg går gjennom en litt tøff periode nå. Jeg klarer ikke helt gjøre det jeg skal på skolen, en ting er at det er veldig mye på en gang nå - vi er midt i midtermperioden -, en annen grunn er at jeg ikke føler meg tilpass her. Jeg har ingen venner og savner Oslo og situasjonen jeg var i der. Jeg begynte nesten å gråte på subwayen istad på grunn av det.
Jeg trodde at jeg by now i det minste ville fått en omgangskrets jeg hang med litt awkwardly, men jeg har ikke engang det. Føler meg utafor, er lei av å gjøre skolearbeid, jeg vil hjem til dere.

Jeg skreiv de forrige paragrafene på norsk på telefonen, med intensjonen om å oversette til engelsk, fordi jeg ikke ville at epledama skulle skjønne hva jeg skreiv i gjerningsøyeblikket. Men jeg gidder ikke oversette og jeg kopierte heller direkte over og derfor er det noen engelske fraser her og der. (Pluss at jeg forholder meg til amerikansk mer enn norsk for tida og amerikaniserer (whaaat) norsken min litt. æøå.)

Nå drikker jeg Bolthouse Farms' kalde Mocha Cappuccino-drikk og den er sykt god. Jeg har også kjøpt sure Jelly Beans og sjokoladerosiner. Og jeg bestilte to nye par Converse-sko (royal blue og yellow) fra en nettside som har saaaalg, $64 for alt inkl. frakt (vanligvis koster ett par ca. $45). Jeg drukner sorgene i materielle goder.

Jeg sitter på skolen og skal liksom gjøre lekser, men jeg er stuck. Jeg liker ikke faget, jeg liker ikke det jeg har valgt å skrive om, jeg liker ikke det jeg skriver, jeg liker Jelly Beans.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Frequent flyar

I want to update more frequently, I want to try to write at least one paragraph every day. More as writing exercises for myself than for your reading pleasure.

I went to The Hungarian Pastry Shop with my roommates yesterday. We went for chocolate souffle which they didn't have and I ended up with a blueberry cheesecake. It was delicious, crusty and creamy and blueberry-y. Earlier that day I had been avoiding doing homework and read my NFT 2011 guidebook instead. I read about a bar close to our apartment. We walked home from the pastry shop and past the bar, but it was closed and the windows were covered with some metal thingy blah blah.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Today I saw a young woman REPEATEDLY SLAPPING her crying 1 year old child. My heart stopped beating.

And later I went to the world premiere of LENNONYC and saw Uncle Eddy from Grounded For Life (for the second time in New York! the first time being at a Fred Armisen gig in 2008) and then I cried my eyes out at the screening where Yoko Ono also was.

I hate the name of this blog.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Fashion's Night Out

Hey world. What's up, you guys? So yesterday was a pretty eventful day. I was home until pretty late in the afternoon, ordering Asian food with one of my new roommates. She's really cool. And I hastily ordered a bed from Sleepy's because some friends of mine from Norway are being kicked out by the friend they're staying with now and I told them they could stay here. I needed a bed anyway, obviously, but I probably could have gotten it cheaper if I had time to do some research. Sleepy's could deliver the next day which is why I went with that. It's here now and it's very comfortable.

I left to attend some Fashion's Night Out events (google it). I was especially interested in meeting Tim Gunn at the Kate Spade store in SoHo. I got there very early so I just hung around, got a free gin&tonic and bought Gunn's book to get it signed later. I got it signed after waiting in line forever and he was so nice and cute.

O m g this blog entry is so boring. I'm gonna speed things up.

While waiting on the street for my friends some people doing an online ad for Starbucks frappuccinos wanted to film and interview me. What's my favorite Starbucks drink? What's my must-have fashion thing for going out? I said colorful stockings and showed them my most colorful stockings that I luckily was wearing.

I met my friend and we managed to squeeze through the massive high-heeled crowd in SoHo and went into the MAC store. We saw someone signing books and realized it was Sarah Silverman. Coolio.

La la la. We went to Topshop and I drooled some more over The Perfect Shoe and we wandered around forever trying to find somewhere to eat. We found a place.

When I got home I read all about the other FNO stuff I missed - Seth Meyers at Rock Center, NPH at Macy's, Olsens judging karaoke and lotttttts more - and it made me sad, but meeting Tim Gunn was very cool.

Today I'm planning on getting some hangers and possibly some boxes so I can organize my room. And I should read read read school books 'cause I'm already behind.

And I should also attend some 9/11 memorial event. Ouch.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Life and life and life

So I fucking missed my stop with the train home from Penn Station last night and the last one in the opposite direction had already left. Two other guys also missed the New Brunswick stop and they told me there'd be another train, but there wasn't so we shared a cab back. $60 asdfdf. But I got back home and fell asleep.

Other than that, yesterday was aweeeesoooommmmeee. I had two appointments to see apartments in Astoria. The first one was really nice, but a little too expensive and I don't think my smalltalk was very convincing. At the second one no one was friggin' home. Faens folk. So I went back to Manhattan to meet up with Mari and Maja. We ate at Katz's deli, walked and walked and laughed and walked around Lower East Side, and then we went back to their place and ate Chinese takeaway and watched How I Met Your Mother and drank beer.

I wanna buy an iPhone 4, but what a hassle that is. I couldn't buy it at the Apple Store because I need a Social Security Number or sign up at a AT&T store. That's what I wanted to do today, but their computer system was updating so it wouldn't let me. I have to go back tomorrow and then hope for the best. They'll probably be out of iPhones tomorrow and I'll have to wait even longer.

Later I'm meeting Alicia to eat at Café Angelique, which is supposedly a very nice café in West Village. And tomorrow Orientation officially starts, I'm excited and nervous. Mostly excited. And I have an appointment to check out The Seemingly Perfect Apartment in South Harlem tomorrow, I hoppppeeee it goes well.

And let me just say how much I looooove free WiFi at Starbucks.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Day 1 of my New York/New Brunswick tour is well in effect. I have not yet learned to sit next to strangers on the subway. I have purchased a subway card for 30 days. I have been approached by two people at different occasions concerning my flowery stockings, they both thought they were tattoos. I met Cory, who knew who I was when I told someone else my last name (I was signing in at the orientation session, I don't usually give people my last name out of the blue). I met some fellow students and New School faculty and received an awesome New School bag with paper and information in it. I am currently sitting in Starbucks at Union Square stealing their intarwebs without buying anything. I have the PIN I need to register for class. I have three appointments to view apartments. I didn't immediately find the shoes I've been drooling over online in the right size at the actual store, but I was in too big of a rush to ask anyone. I have yet to see any celebrities or squirrels. It feels great and surreal and amazing and dreamy. I am here. I live here.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Leaving leaving leaving leaving leaving leaving leaving leaving leaving.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Gårsdagens følelse

Dette er kopiert fra et innlegg jeg skreiv på Underskog i går kveld, i ni - ti-tida:

Jeg gruer meg!

Jeg flytter til New York 18. august for å gå på skole i minst 2,5 år og nå begynte jeg plutselig å grue meg helt vanvittig. Ubehagelig mye gruing, så mye at jeg griner. Akkurat i dette øyeblikket har jeg lyst til å droppe det og bare være i Oslo og kose på alle venna mine på fulltid. Hvorfor gjør jeg dette? Hva er vitsennnnnnnnnnnnnn.


Jeg ville ha det i bloggen min fordi det er nettopp sånne ting den skal brukes til. Jeg skreiv det på Underskog fordi jeg visste jeg ville få støttende kommentarer innen den første tima, og det stemte. Nå føler jeg meg mye bedre. (Jeg hadde også en laaang samtale med mamma som hjalp meg aller mest, naturligvis.)

Monday, July 26, 2010

You and me and everyone we know

We're all terrible at updating our blogs.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

30 Day Drawing Challenge

Uhm, firstly, check out my tumblr profile for full pictures: http://ohright.tumblr.com/
I don't know if I will post all drawings here.

I was planning on starting yesterday, but I forgot so I did two today:

It's difficult using my touchpad.

Tigers are fiercccce.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Present and so on

Today I was paid to have a water fight with a couple of three-year-olds. It was wonderful.

And in exactly eight weeks I am moving to New York. I will be wandering the streets of Harlem, people-watching in Washington Square Park, studying at New York Public Library, shopping senselessly on 14th Street, drinking in Williamsburg, eating in Chinatown, sunbathing in Central Park, visiting MoMA, seeing live music at Terminal 5, taking the 6 train, buying smoothies at Pinkberry, getting my nails done, ordering sesame bagels with cream cheese, getting $3 well drinks on Ladies Night at 1849, dancing at Beauty Bar, laughing in the UCB Theatre, sitting in the SNL audience and living my fucking life.

Dream until your dreams come true.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Things to do some time in your life

Get a little too drunk at a work party where your boss is also your mother? Check.

Buy a one-way ticket to New York with a hangover? Check.

These are the days of my life.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Today I ate Cheez Doodles with a fork. I'm going to bed. I'll talk to you later.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I don't feel like dancing

I'm sitting in the sun on our terrace on the ninth floor wearing wool socks and a blanket - 12 degrees Celsius isn't as warm as it may look when it's sunnnnnnnny - making pretend-schedules for my first New School semester. I love doing this, planning stuff and daydreaming about New York. There are so many courses I wanna take. The Psychology of Men? Hells yesss, but what the hell do I need it for. I need to start thinking a little more practical and a little less omgimgoingtonewyorkijustwannahavefuneventhoughimpaying4354526356dollarsforthiseducation. So, yeah. I'm guessing there'll be more film and writing courses than useless philosophy and psychology courses.

Anyway, these are the courses I've written down so far:
Script Analysis
Developing Ideas For Film
Filmmaking Studio 1
Comedy on Screen
Arts and Entertainment Journalism
Writing for New York City Newspapers and Magazines
Aesthetics: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Art
Integrated Media Production
Twentieth-Century Continental Philosophy: Phenomenology, Existentialism, Deconstructionism
Introduction to the New Journalism
The Psychology of Men
Gender and Popular Culture

And I can only take four courses. What to chooooooooooooooose.

Monday, April 5, 2010

I ♥ NY

You can stand under my umbrella-ella-ella-eh-eh-eh. You're welcome.

I'm back from New York. It was aamaaazingly, fantastically awesome. It sort of felt like I never left, with everything being exactly as I remembered it. Almost everything. The Virgin Megastore on Union Square is gone, the little Mexican place near our old subway stop is gone. And so on. Generally my old 'hood was a lot more "cool" now, but that's what happens when prices go upppp everywhere. I saw some of The New School buildings and I absolutely love that neighborhood, right next to Union Square which is one of my favorite squares in Manhattan. I got a tiny tattoo. I met Kine. The weather was wonderful my last couple of days there, so we hung out in parks a lot. I have hhhhot new shoes that are so high-heeled I can't walk in them. We saw street dancers asking for dollars as opposed to change like Obama on subway stations. We ate dinner next to Larry David at Balthazar, walked past Ben Whishaw and his boyfriend in West Village, took the same subway car as Tim Gunn downtown. We saw rats, squirrels, pigeons. We went to a comedy show and was placed on the first row and messed with a lot because we're Norwegians. We ate bagels, pretzels, cheese cake, burgers, gigantic milkshakes (at the Seinfeld café), M&M's with peanut butter. I sat next to some kind of therapist on Starbucks and she was having a phone session with a client right next to me. He apparently had some anxiety and argued a lot with his mother, but it seemed like he finally had gotten somewhere to live and a job.

Only in New York, folks.

Friday, March 19, 2010

So, uhm, yeah.

"Hi Sofie,
Great news: you have been admitted to our Bachelor's Program in Liberal Arts! Congratulations! Additionally, we awarded 59 transfer credits from your previous studies. You will need to complete 61 credits with us to complete your Bachelor's degree.

Your official acceptance packet will be mailed to you shortly.

Cory J. Meyers
Associate Director
Office of Admission
The New School
72 5th Avenue, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10011

I don't really know what to think right now, but I guess this is where the adventure begins.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Hey, soul sister. Hello. Nothing to report. I've been knitting all weekend long, just learned it on Friday.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Waiting for the subway to work. This is Grønland station in Oslo. I'm also waiting for a letter from college. Yesterday I found out that all my 59 previously taken credits will transfer if I'm accepted, that's great news. The TOEFL results are the only thing missing. Waiting, waiting,

Sunday, February 7, 2010

What I've been doing since December 5th

Oh, I just realized that I hadn't updated this blog between today and the beginning of December. Some new stuff has happened and I have been updating my LiveJournal (yes, I have a LiveJournal, get over it), but I forget to copypaste the updates to this blog.

This was posted December 13th:

(This first passage was written on my way home from work yesterday. It's still true, but it's not a newly fresh wound anymore.)

My heart is fucking broken. I had the early shift at work today and left before most of the kids, including the one who is so fond of me it's insane and adorable. When I told him I had to go, he said no, no, no, no and gave me a look that would've made anyone feel bad. I'll see him Monday and I feel like this. Thinking about leaving him for good, which I'll have to do next summer, makes my stomach ache and my hands numb. No way. No fucking way.

In other news, I'm postponing New York for certain. I've gotten pretty far on my New School (which is the name of the school) application. And I'm visiting the city during easter break. Hello excitement!

Today I bought tickets to Tromsø too! Going there in January to attend the film festival.

Posted January 25th:

I don't know what I'll do if I'm not accepted by The New School. I have no back-up plan, I'm not applying to any other schools, I don't want to attend any other school, I'm just so focused on The New School I can't think of any other schools. Shitttt. Maybe I'll end up working in the kindergarten forever, just postponing and postponing my education. I really don't want that to happen, but what else do I do if I'm not accepted?

I was at TIFF, saw lots of good and not so good movies, had fun, ate, drank, talked, ran after a dog. Maybe I'll write more about the films I saw. Now I'm watching a Law & Order: SVU episode, I've seen it before.


Hello hello. Nothing much to report, I'm still insecure about getting accepted to New School and I've started looking into schools in New Zealand again, but the more I read about NS (New School) the more I wanna go there. It's the perfect school. Peeeeerfect. WES finalized my transcript evaluation on Thursday, I have a 3.41 GPA which I'm very pleased with. So that's another step closer to finishing my application. NS still hasn't received my TOEFL results and my WES documents were sent Thursday or Friday so those are obviously not there yet and that's basically what's missing from my finished application. Arsgfsafghd I'm just waiting and waiting and I'm very nervous and hopeful. What if my essays were craaaaap. I've never written college application essays before and I didn't really get proper feedback on them. What if I'm not accepted. Shit.

I'm visiting New York for eight nights in about seven weeks, wow. I haven't been there since I moved back to Norway in June 2008. Yesterday was the two year "anniversary" of my moving there. Time flies, whatever. Too much of my life - considering I live in Norway - evolves around New York, I'm a nerd.

My job is still amazing and I'm very anxious about leaving the kids, they should have stability in their life and I'm not giving them that by leaving (I of course realize that I am not the most important person in their lives, but I'm a pretty big part of it). And after that I'll probably never see them again, what the hell. The youngest ones will probably forget about me and that's a fucking heart-breaking thought. I'm tearing up, lawlz. I'll have to send lots of pictures and letters from wherever I might be moving and visit every time I go home. Way to move on, yeah.

And I'm also in love with all the actors in Hipsters and the Russian language. :D