Saturday, April 10, 2010

I don't feel like dancing

I'm sitting in the sun on our terrace on the ninth floor wearing wool socks and a blanket - 12 degrees Celsius isn't as warm as it may look when it's sunnnnnnnny - making pretend-schedules for my first New School semester. I love doing this, planning stuff and daydreaming about New York. There are so many courses I wanna take. The Psychology of Men? Hells yesss, but what the hell do I need it for. I need to start thinking a little more practical and a little less omgimgoingtonewyorkijustwannahavefuneventhoughimpaying4354526356dollarsforthiseducation. So, yeah. I'm guessing there'll be more film and writing courses than useless philosophy and psychology courses.

Anyway, these are the courses I've written down so far:
Script Analysis
Developing Ideas For Film
Filmmaking Studio 1
Comedy on Screen
Arts and Entertainment Journalism
Writing for New York City Newspapers and Magazines
Aesthetics: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Art
Integrated Media Production
Twentieth-Century Continental Philosophy: Phenomenology, Existentialism, Deconstructionism
Introduction to the New Journalism
The Psychology of Men
Gender and Popular Culture

And I can only take four courses. What to chooooooooooooooose.


Charlotte said...

Ååå! Jeg vil også velge mine egne fag. Da hadde jeg sluppet å slite meg gjennom fag jeg ikke syns er spesielt intressante... (Da hadde det i såfall vært min egen skyld) ;)

Av dine fag ville jeg tatt:
Script Analysis
Developing Ideas For Film
Filmmaking Studio 1
Comedy on Screen
Arts and Entertainment Journalism

og (hehe, vanslelig å bare velge 4)
Introduction to the New Journalism
The Psychology of Men
Gender and Popular Culture

Lykke til! :D

Gisken Sofie said...

Haha, det er jo alle fagene jeg skreiv opp. Nesten.

Her er en oversikt over alle fagene jeg kan velge i:
(Fall 2010 New School Bachelor's Program Course Catalog )

Jeg velger hvertfall Script Analysis og Developing Ideas For Film. Jeg må se an de andre litt mer, noen kræsjer med hverandre osv. Jeg har heldigvis flere semestre å ta de på, men jeg håper jeg får tatt Arts and Entertainment Journalism og Filmmaking Studio 1 så fort som mulig også. Tar kanskje Filmmaking Studio 1 første semester, selv om jeg da får en lang dag med dette og Developing Ideas etterpå. Alle fagene kræsjer nesten, sykt irriterende.