Thursday, November 20, 2008

Teen years

This is my last week as a teenager. I will never be a teenager in Oslo again. Tomorrow is my last day in Norway as a teenager. I'm turning 20 next Wednesday, the 26th. I'm not as sentimental as I seem, it's just a weird thought. I feel kinda old, but I know I'm still young. Twenty years. There are so many things I haven't done yet, but I'm pretty content with where I am in life. And I think I got an A on my Film History exam, but I have to double check when StudentWeb is up and running again tonight 'cause I don't really believe it.

Going to Amsterdam tomorrow with some people from my class, we're going to the International Documentary Film Festival there. I'm excited. And after that I'm going to Copenhagen and then to Oslo. As someone in her twenties. I'll be in Copenhagen on my birthday.

Listening to Westlife now, while being nostalgic? I don't know. I liked them when I entered the teen years and I still like them now when I'm leaving the teen years. Wow.

My life is good, it really is. And it has been. I've had some bad times during these years, but I'm too positive to not be content and think happy thoughts about it all. It all made me who I am today, or some cliche like that, and I like who I am today most of the time.

Nineteen was great. Here's to hoping twenty will be even better. Cheers.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Speaking words of wisdom

Sooooooooooooooo. Halloween was on Friday. There was a Halloween party at the student "bar" this Saturday. I went with my friends, dressed as someone from the 80's, in a not very thoroughly done costume. My friends were dressed as James Bond, an emo and Queen of Hearts (yes, a playing card). The latter was the best costume there, oh man! She'd talked about it quite a bit in advance, she bought it when she was in Minnesota for a school semester last year and I had huge expectations and they were totally met! It was awesome.

The evening was also very fun. I went to my emo friend a couple of hours before we went to the student pub, Bingo'n. We just chillaxed (my favorite word of the day) and yeah. Then we went to Bingo'n and it was kinda not-so-fun the first hour, the rest of our friends weren't there yet and not a lot of people in general were there. We met a random dude with a scary mask outside and it creeped me out a little bit. And some of the decorations were scary, but not as scary as expected. Thennnnnn a lot more people showed up eventually and then James Bond and Queen of Hearts came a little tipsy and the rest of the evening was hilaaaaar (my second favorite word of the day - a short version of hilarious).

Well, I gradually started to get more tipsy and we danced to crappy dance music until Bingo'n closed. I lost people and went to buy a kebab and then I found people after buying the kebab. The emo went home (hahah, not because she was emo, she was tired and it was late) and the very drunk Queen of Hearts (QoH) decided to go to another bar and James Bond and I joined her. At this point we were all kinda drunk though, but Queen of Hearts... phew. Haha, she was adorable.

The other two danced while a (cute and) very forward guy tried to hit on me. It didn't work. James Bond got a dude on the hook though, some creepy guy who followed us when we left even though we told him not to. We followed QoH home and the guy did too, I finally got him to leave when we were actually inside QoH's dorm. Bluh. And on our way there I kissed a statue, wow.

The last bus home to me had left a long time ago so I had to sleep at Bond's place and we left QoH's place, after about 100 meters we started talking to a random guy who wouldn't tell us what he's studying and we wanted to know and we stopped some other random guys to get them to try to guess what the first random guy was studying and wtf. It was bizarre. We had to pee and went back to QoH's place to borrow her toilet, and Bond had left her tequila bottle in some bushes outside Bingo'n because she couldn't bring it in there and we had to go get that too. And we hung out at QoH's place for a bit, I danced to Arctic Monkeys while Bond took pictures on QoH's Mac and then we all joined in and now she has some wicked funny pictures on it. She sent me some today and I laughed and laughed. Aw. I'm lying on the floor after dancing and QoH's is lying on the bed in the background and my leg is sticking up on the side of the picture because I wanted to be in it but I was too tired to get up and wow.

Haha, this got long and it's probably not funny to anyone but me, but I wanna remember it and it really was a hilarious evening. Bond and I bought Ben&Jerry's on our way to her place and we ate that while watching Dr. Phil the next morning. I went to bed at 7:30pm. Oh, hungoverness.

Oh and sometime before the emo went home, we shotted some tequila in the middle of the street. With the salt and the lemon and everything. And we live in Norway and it's cold. Next time I'm bringing my video camera.