Thursday, November 20, 2008

Teen years

This is my last week as a teenager. I will never be a teenager in Oslo again. Tomorrow is my last day in Norway as a teenager. I'm turning 20 next Wednesday, the 26th. I'm not as sentimental as I seem, it's just a weird thought. I feel kinda old, but I know I'm still young. Twenty years. There are so many things I haven't done yet, but I'm pretty content with where I am in life. And I think I got an A on my Film History exam, but I have to double check when StudentWeb is up and running again tonight 'cause I don't really believe it.

Going to Amsterdam tomorrow with some people from my class, we're going to the International Documentary Film Festival there. I'm excited. And after that I'm going to Copenhagen and then to Oslo. As someone in her twenties. I'll be in Copenhagen on my birthday.

Listening to Westlife now, while being nostalgic? I don't know. I liked them when I entered the teen years and I still like them now when I'm leaving the teen years. Wow.

My life is good, it really is. And it has been. I've had some bad times during these years, but I'm too positive to not be content and think happy thoughts about it all. It all made me who I am today, or some cliche like that, and I like who I am today most of the time.

Nineteen was great. Here's to hoping twenty will be even better. Cheers.

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