Sunday, August 22, 2010

Life and life and life

So I fucking missed my stop with the train home from Penn Station last night and the last one in the opposite direction had already left. Two other guys also missed the New Brunswick stop and they told me there'd be another train, but there wasn't so we shared a cab back. $60 asdfdf. But I got back home and fell asleep.

Other than that, yesterday was aweeeesoooommmmeee. I had two appointments to see apartments in Astoria. The first one was really nice, but a little too expensive and I don't think my smalltalk was very convincing. At the second one no one was friggin' home. Faens folk. So I went back to Manhattan to meet up with Mari and Maja. We ate at Katz's deli, walked and walked and laughed and walked around Lower East Side, and then we went back to their place and ate Chinese takeaway and watched How I Met Your Mother and drank beer.

I wanna buy an iPhone 4, but what a hassle that is. I couldn't buy it at the Apple Store because I need a Social Security Number or sign up at a AT&T store. That's what I wanted to do today, but their computer system was updating so it wouldn't let me. I have to go back tomorrow and then hope for the best. They'll probably be out of iPhones tomorrow and I'll have to wait even longer.

Later I'm meeting Alicia to eat at Café Angelique, which is supposedly a very nice café in West Village. And tomorrow Orientation officially starts, I'm excited and nervous. Mostly excited. And I have an appointment to check out The Seemingly Perfect Apartment in South Harlem tomorrow, I hoppppeeee it goes well.

And let me just say how much I looooove free WiFi at Starbucks.

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