Friday, April 22, 2011

And Then There Was One

It's so bizarre to suddenly be all alone in my apartment after nine days of constant company. I'm sitting on the floor where their air mattress used to be with the TV on in the living room so it won't be so quiet. Unfortunately the people on TV were talking about some guy breaking into people's apartments in NYC and the serial killer on Long Island. Maybe quietness would've been better.

A piece of my plastic tooth chipped off today and I really don't want to deal with that shit 1) in New York (or anywhere else outside of Oslo, really), 2) at this point in time, in the middle of TriBeCa Film Festival and right before my exams, 3) ever, anywhere.

I met my favorite professor at the film festival today. We talked for a bit and he's so nice and awesome and it was weird to see him outside of school and I was awkward as per usual.

Fuck, I'm hating this tooth thing. Fuck fuck fuck.

1 comment:

Cecilie said...

Wish I was still there.